Friday, Mar 28 2025
04:53:42 PM

President of Albania
Written by Michael Servos





Προς Πρόεδρο της Αλβανίας

Δρ. Μπαμίρ Τόπι                                                   Αρ. Πρωτ. 1503-20010


Εξοχότατε κ. Πρόεδρε


Όπως γνωρίζετε η   Ακαδημία Επιστημών αποτελεί το πιο σημαντικό επιστημονικό ίδρυμα της χώρας. Οι κύριοι στόχοι της Ακαδημίας είναι η ανάληψη και η δημοσιοποίηση μελετών και ερευνών σε διάφορους τομείς της επιστήμης, η συνεργασία με το δίκτυο των ιδρυμάτων της και άλλα επιστημονικά ιδρύματα και πανεπιστήμια στην Αλβανία, η συμμετοχή του επιστημονικού της δυναμικού σε ποικίλες δραστηριότητές τους, η συγκρότηση των διαδικασιών για την απόκτηση επιστημονικών βαθμών και τίτλων, η οργάνωση εθνικών και διεθνών δραστηριοτήτων, η δημιουργία και η σύσφιγξη σχέσεων καθώς και η συνεργασία με τις ξένες Ακαδημίες.

Μετά την αλλαγή του καθεστώτος στη χώρα, όταν κατέρρευσε το σύστημα του Κόμματος Εργασίας, πιστεύαμε ότι η Ακαδημία θα επιτελούσε ανεξάρτητα το έργο της, χωρίς να επιδίδεται σε εθνικιστικές κινήσεις, έξω από κάθε πλαίσιο συνεργασίας και ειλικρινούς φιλίας.

Το 1998 ήρθε η δημοσίευση του βιβλίου της Ακαδημίας «Πλατφόρμα για την επίλυση του Αλβανικού Ζητήματος», η οποία χαρακτηρίζεται από αλυτρωτισμό, αφού υποστηρίζεται η «ένωση όλων των Αλβανών σε ένα εθνικό κράτος», ενώ τα όρια του «ιστορικά εθνικού αλβανικού χώρου» απλώνονται πολύ πέρα από τις κατοικούμενες από Αλβανούς περιοχές της πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβίας, για να περιλάβουν την «μείζονα Τσαμουριά» (μέχρι την Πρέβεζα), την Καστοριά και τη Φλώρινα.

Η ίδια τακτική ακολουθείται και στη νέα έκδοση της Ακαδημίας με το Αλβανικό Εγκυκλοπαιδικό Λεξικό.

Στους δύο τόμους που έχουν κυκλοφορήσει το Αλβανικό Εγκυκλοπαιδικό Λεξικό επαναλαμβάνει τους ισχυρισμούς περί αλβανικής καταγωγής και εθνικότητας της Άρτας, των Ιωαννίνων, Πρέβεζας και Ηγουμενίτσας, περιοχές οι οποίες, σύμφωνα με το Λεξικό, παραχωρήθηκαν στην Ελλάδα με τη χάραξη των Ελληνο-αλβανικών συνόρων.

Επίσης, έντονη είναι η παραχάραξη και η οικειοποίηση της ελληνικής ιστορίας κυρίως σε σχέση με την Ήπειρο, ενώ δυσφημιστική είναι η στάση του Λεξικού προς την ελληνική μειονότητα. Το λεξικό δεν έχει διαφορετικές προσεγγίσεις για τον προσδιορισμό της ελληνικής μειονότητας και ούτε για το ρόλο της στο αλβανικό κράτος.

Στο σημείο όπου αναφέρεται στη «Δρόπολη», περιοχή με ελληνικό πληθυσμό, περιοχή στην οποία στο καθεστώς Χότζα, αναγνωρίστηκε ως μειονοτική περιοχή και προπαγανδιστικά ήταν το σύμβολο εκπροσώπησης του συνόλου της ελληνικής μειονότητας, οι Έλληνες δεν θεωρούνται αυτόχθονες χωρίς να προσδιορίζεται το πότε εγκαταστάθηκαν.

Επίσης το Λεξικό αναφέρει ότι οι κάτοικοι δύο χωριών της περιοχής, η Φράστανη και η Λιούγκαρη είναι αλβανικής εθνικότητας.

Για άλλες περιοχές με ελληνικό πληθυσμό, όπως η Φοινίκι, το Αλίκο, η Δίβρη, ο Μεσοπόταμος, δεν αναφέρεται, η ελληνικότητά τους, ενώ επισημαίνεται ότι ο πληθυσμός ανήκει στην ελληνική μειονότητα.

Για τον πληθυσμό της Λιβαδειάς, δεν αναφέρεται η ελληνική του εθνικότητα, ενώ το ίδιο γίνεται και για την περιοχή της Χιμάρας, η οποία αποτελεί διαχρονικό στόχο της αλβανικής εθνικιστικής πολιτικής.

Επίσης καταβάλλεται προσπάθεια ώστε να απεικονισθεί ότι στις περιοχές με ελληνικό πληθυσμό, ήταν έντονο το αλβανικό στοιχείο ιστορικά, αναφέρονται τα ονόματα που οι Αλβανοί είχαν δώσει στα ελληνικά χωριά, ή με τα αλβανικά ονόματα που έδωσε το Κόμμα Εργασίας της Αλβανίας.

Στο λεξικό δεν αναφέρονται οι προσωπικότητες της ελληνικής μειονότητας, ενώ στις ελάχιστες αναφορές σε μορφές, ή αναφέρεται ότι κατάγονται από οικογένεια με γονείς ελληνικής εθνικότητας, ή παρουσιάζονται ως Αλβανοί.


Αξιότιμοι κύριοι

Η επιστολή έχει σαν στόχο να κάνει γνωστό ένα ζήτημα που αφορά την δράση της Ακαδημίας Επιστημών έναντι της Ελληνικής ιστορίας και της παρουσίας των Ελλήνων στην Αλβανία.

Ο εθνικισμός είναι ένας κακός σύμβουλος, ιδιαίτερα στην περιοχή των Βαλκανίων, αφού έχει ωθήσει σε πολύχρονες και αιματηρές διαμάχες.

Γι ΄ αυτό στα πλαίσια των αρμοδιοτήτων σας θα σας παρακαλούσαμε να προβείτε στις απαραίτητες ενέργειες για να απαλειφθούν οι παραπάνω αναφορές από τα κείμενα της Ακαδημίας, και να φροντίσετε ώστε στο μέλλον να μην επαναληφθούν.

Με Τιμή


Μιχάλης Σέρβος


Γραφείου τύπου                                   




Πρωθυπουργό της Αλβανίας

Πρόεδρο της Αλβανικής Βουλής

Αλβανικά Κόμματα

Αλβανικό Κοινοβούλιο

Μέσα Μαζικής Ενημέρωσης                        


                       LETËR E HAPUR

 Nr. Prot. 1503-2010


Drejtuar Presidentit të Republikës së Shqipërisë, Shkëlqesisë së tij z. Bamir Topi


I nderuar z. President,

Siç e njeh dhe Shkëlqesia juaj, Akademia e Shkencave, përbën institucionin më të rëndësishëm shkencor të çdo vendi. Synimet kryesore të çdo akademie janë: ndërmarrja e studimeve dhe hulumtimeve në fusha të ndryshme të shkencës, publikimi i tyre, bashkëpunimi me rrjetin e institucioneve të saj dhe me institucione të tjera si dhe me universitetet në Shqipëri, pjesëmarrja e potencialit shkencor të saj në veprimtari të ndryshme, si dhe krijimi dhe përforcimi i lidhjeve dhe i bashkëpunimit me Akademi të huaja.

Me ndryshimin e regjimit në Shqipëri, kur ra sistemi i Partisë së Punës, besuam se Akademia do ti përkushtohej një vepre të pavarur, pa u ndikuar nga idetë nacionaliste dhe duke qëndruar gjithmonë brenda kuadrit te bashkëpunimit dhe të miqësisë së sinqertë.

Viti 1998 solli botimin e Akademisë me titull: «Platforma për zgjidhjen e çështjes Shqiptare», një botim i cili karakterizohet prej një shovinizmi të pa fre, përderisa mbron «bashkimin e gjithë shqiptarëve në një shtet etnik», dhe «hapësirën etnike shqiptare historikisht», e shtrin shumë më tej krahinave që banohen prej Shqiptarëve, në ish Jugosllavinë, ose duke përfshirë edhe Prevezën, Kosturin dhe Follorinën.

E njëjta taktikë ndiqet edhe në botimin e ri të Akademisë që është «Fjalori Enciklopedik Shqiptar».

Në të dy vëllimet që qarkulluan prej tij, «Fjalori Enciklopedik Shqiptar», përsërit të njëjtat gjëra dhe këmbëngul për prejardhjen etnike Shqiptare të Artës, të Janinës, të Prevezës dhe Igumenicës, krahina të cilat i përkasin Greqisë të paktën që me vendosjen e vijës kufitare midis Greqisë dhe Shqipërisë.

Gjithashtu, shpesh bëhet falsifikimi dhe përvetësimi i historisë helene, sidomos e pjesës që ka lidhje me Epirin. Shpifës dhe shpërfolës është gjithashtu Fjalori në fjalë, për Minoritetin Etnik Grek. Ai nuk përmban trajtime të ndryshme lidhur me përcaktimin e Minoritetit Etnik Grek dhe as për rolin që luan në shtetin shqiptar.

Në pikën që i referohet termit «Dropull», (një krahinë me popullsi greke, që edhe regjimi i E. Hoxhës e njihte si krahinë minoritare, qoftë për propagandë, mbahej si simbol i përfaqësimit të gjithë Minoritetit Etnik Grek), popullsia greke e saj nuk konsiderohet autoktone dhe as përcaktohet periudha historike e vendosjes së grekëve aty.

Gjithashtu Fjalori cilëson banorët e dy fshatrave të Dropullit: Frashtan dhe Lugar si shqiptarë.

Për treva të tjera me popullsi greke, siç janë Vurgu, krahinat e Delvinës, Theologo, Livadhja nuk përmendet kombësia e banorëve tyre, ndërkohë thekson se kjo popullsi i përket minoritetit Grek.

Për popullsinë e Livadhjasë nuk përmendet kombësia greke e saj, po ashtu edhe për popullsinë e krahinës së Himarës, e cila është gjithmonë në shënjestër të politikës nacionaliste shqiptare.

Gjithashtu bëhen përpjekje që të krijohet imazhi se në krahinat me popullsi greke mbizotëron elementi shqiptar me prezencë historike. Fshatrat përmenden me emrat që imponoi shteti shqiptar ose i kishte vënë arbitrarisht Partia e E. Hoxhës.

Në Fjalor nuk përmenden personalitetet e Minoritetit Etnik Grek, ndërsa tek referimet e pakta që bëhen në figurat e tij, thuhet se kanë prejardhje nga prindër me kombësi greke, ose thjesht janë shqiptarë.


Të nderuar zotërinj,

Letra ime ka për synim të publikojë një çështje që ka lidhje me veprimtarinë e Akademisë suaj të Shkencave, që ka për qëllim t’u kundërvihet fakteve historike të cilat vërtetojnë prezencën e lashtë në trojet e veta të Grekëve të Shqipërisë.

Nacionalizmi është një këshilltar i keq, veçanërisht në trevat e Ballkanit, përderisa gjithmonë ka shtyrë popujt që jetojnë këtu, në luftëra të përgjakshme dhe shumëvjeçare.

Prandaj, në kuadrin e kompetencave tuaja, do t’ju luteshim të ndërmerrni iniciativa konkrete për heqjen e fakteve absurde nga faqet e Fjalorit Enciklopedik Shqiptar, me qëllim që t’u vihet fre njëherë e përgjithmonë qëndrimeve nacionaliste.


Me respekt

Pergjegjesi i Zyres se Shtypit

Michalis Servos


Për njoftim:


  1. 1.Kryeministrit të Shqipërisë.
  2. 2.Kryetarit të Parlamentit Shqiptar.
  3. 3.Kryesisë së Parlamentit Shqiptar.
  4. 4.Të gjitha Partive parlamentare të Shqipërisë.
  5. 5.Gjithë mediave.




To President of Albania
Dr. Bamir Topi

Prot. No. 1503-20010

Your Excellency
Mr. President

As you know, the Academy of Sciences is the most important scientific institution in the country. The main objectives of the Academy is undertaking and publication of studies and research in various fields of science, cooperation with the network of institutions and other scientific institutions and universities in Albania, the participation of the scientific potential of a variety of activities, the formation procedures to obtain scientific degrees and titles, the organization of national and international activities, the creation and strengthening relations and cooperation with foreign academies.

After the change of regime in the country, the system collapsed when the Labor Party, believed that the College will work performed independently, without engaged in nationalist movements outside any framework of cooperation and sincere friendship.

In 1998 came the publication of the book College Nationalism Platform to solve the "Albanian question", which is characterized by irredentism, as it supported the" union of all Albanians to a nation state, while the limits of "Albanian national historic site" spread well beyond the areas inhabited by Albanians in the former Yugoslavia, to include the "major CHAMOURIA (until Preveza), Kastoria and Florina.

The same practice is followed and the new version of the Academy of the Albanian Encyclopedic Dictionary. In two volumes have been released Albanian Encyclopedic Dictionary repeats the allegations of Albanian origin and nationality of Arta, Ioannina, Preveza and Igoumenitsa areas, according to the dictionary, were ceded to Greece by the development of Greek-Albanian border.

Also strong is the forgery and appropriation of Greek history, particularly in relation to the continent, while slandering the attitude of the Lexicon to the Greek minority. The dictionary has different approaches for the identification of the Greek minority, nor the role of the Albanian state.

At this point in stating "Dropoli" area with a Greek population, a region where the Hoxha regime, recognized as a minority area and propaganda was the symbol representing the whole of the Greek minority, the Greeks are not considered indigenous without specifying when installed. Also, the dictionary states that the residents of two villages in the region, and Frastani Liougkari are Albanian nationality.

For other areas of Greek population, such as Finiki, the Alice, the Divri the bike, not listed, The Greek, while indicating that the population belongs to the Greek minority.For the population of Livadia, no mention of the Greek nationality, while the same shall apply to the area of Himara which is a timeless view of the Albanian nationalist policy.

Also trying to illustrated that areas with a Greek population, was pronounced the Albanian history, the names of the Albanians were given in Greek villages, with Albanian names given by the Labor Party of Albania. The dictionary does not mention the personalities of the Greek minority and the scarcity of a form, or referred to originate from a family with parents of Greek nationality, or presented as Albanians.

Ladies and gentlemen

The letter is intended to make known a matter concerning the activities of the Academy of Sciences to the Greek history and the presence of Greeks in Albania. Nationalism is a bad adviser, particularly in the Balkans, after many years and lead to bloody conflicts.

Therefore within your remit will ask you to take the necessary steps to delete the above references from the texts of the Academy, and ensure that in the future will not be repeated.

Michael Servos
Respectfully yours,               Press Officer

                                                     Michael Servos                                             This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


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